Saturday 19 January 2013

Update (2013)


So I know I'm a bit late with writing on this blog again - sorry!
Following from December, when I first started the self-love project, I guess my life got a bit more busy and hectic than normal. Well, I suppose it was once christmas came, then there was new years, and starting January etc..hence why I hadn't found the time to write about my experience with the project. But, here I am now, and that's what tonight's post will be about!

I guess not too much has changed regarding my body image, if I'm honest. I mean, for one thing, I didn't stick with the rules of the self-love project religiously - after about a week or two the rules became slippy and I either..

a) Forgot them
b) Became preoccupied with other things

Or probably a mix of both! I'm not gonna lie, insecurities crept up again, self-hate spirals, the lot. But, that's not to say I hadn't tried my hardest. Of course there's gonna be days where I won't love myself so much - but I think that's a part of life, and all I'm trying to deal with right now, is getting past the extremely bad days, and be more accepting of who I am.

Honestly, I think the problem lies in me giving too much thought to the whole thing. Perfection, physical beauty, yawn. It's gonna get old eventually! And, what's funny is, I've realised that the only reason I've even obsessed so much over my looks before is because I haven't had much else to worry about/preoccupy my mind with. Whilst everything else in my life has been running pretty smoothly, it's almost as if I needed something to worry about and focus on, and I think that's when the whole obsession with my appearance began again.

Despite not completely succeeding with the whole self-love thing, I sure did learn a lot. I wrote numerous posts even about my journey with it all, and coming to terms with things about my body. Maybe, the most important lesson of them all, was learning not to care so much about my physical appearance in the first place. It's not the most important thing, attractiveness only gets you so far (attractive personalities can help provide more meaningful relationships) and flaws just don't matter. There are plenty of other, more important things in life to focus on, like happiness, loving relationships, careers etc. And being flawed just makes us human. Trying to be perfect is simply a waste of time and emotional energy.

But, even though the self-love project is now over, I will be taking a few things on board and carrying them with me into my life from now on, and into my future (or at least try!). These are the main things I will try my best to do:

  • Believe that I am beautiful
  • Be beautiful on the inside - be kind and warm to others and myself (that's where beauty starts!)
  • Don't spend so much time and energy into my looks - focus on other aspects of my life more, work at building them up and living a more meaningful life
  • Love myself as much as I love others
So those are the main, few things anyway - pretty simple and hopefully not too hard to remember!

As for my blog and what kind of posts I'll be doing from now, I've got some new ideas in mind for 2013. Rather than just blogging about random and usually appearance-related stuff, I'm thinking of separating my blog into categories, and have posts dedicated just for advice, maybe some for beauty or style posts, tips, random quotes etc. I've wanted to do a beauty blog for ages - I've just always thought that you needed a shit ton of money to do expensive make-up tutorials, but there's no harm in sharing what I know! And I think posting photos on my style could be pretty cool too..we'll see!

Watch this space!!

Emily x

P.S Check out this great article on feeling beautiful - I love the tips! 

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